SS&S 191: Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed

SS&S 191: Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed

SS&S 191:  Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed

1. Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed

His tender, last farewell,

A Guide, a Comforter bequeathed

With us to dwell.


2 He came in semblance of a dove,

With sheltering wings outspread,

The holy balm of peace and love

On earth to shed.


3 He came in tongues of living flame,

To teach, convince, subdue ;

All-powerful as the wind He came-------

As viewless too.


4 He comes sweet influence to impart,

A gracious, willing Guest,

While He can find one humble heart

Wherein to rest.


5 And His that gentle voice we hear,

Soft as the breath of even,

That checks each fault, that calms each fear,

And speaks of heaven.


6 And every virtue we possess,

And every victory won,

And every thought of holiness,

Are His alone.


7 Spirit of purity and grace,

Our weakness pitying see ;

O make our hearts Thy dwelling- place,

And worthier Thee.


SS&S 191:  Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed


(SS&S) Sacred Songs and Solos Hymns

(SS&S) Sacred Songs and Solos Hymns. This is SS&S, otherwise known as Sacred Songs and Solos. It is a collection of spiritual worship hymns and songs for churches. Students use it in their assembly in many Christian schools.

SS&S songs are up to 1,000 hymns and counting. For the sake of convenience, we are splitting them into hundreds. SS&S 191:  Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed

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