SS&S 154 Arise, my soul, arise

SS&S 154 Arise, my soul, arise

SS&S 154  Arise, my soul, arise

1. Arise, my soul, arise !

Shake off thy guilty fears;

The bleeding Sacrifice

In my behalf appears.

Before the throne my Surety stands;

My name is written on His hands.

2. He ever lives above,

For me to intercede,

His all-redeeming love,

His precious blood to plead;

His blood atoned for all our race,

And sprinkles now the throne of grace.

3. Five bleeding wounds He bears,

Received on Calvary;

They pour effectual prayers,

They strongly plead for me:

"Forgive him, oh, forgive !" they cry,

"Nor let that ransomed sinner die."

4. My God is reconciled;

His pardoning voice I hear:

He owns me for His child;

I can no longer fear:

With confidence I now draw nigh,

And "Father, Abba Father !"cry.

SS&S 154  Arise, my soul, arise


(SS&S) Sacred Songs and Solos Hymns

(SS&S) Sacred Songs and Solos Hymns. This is SS&S, otherwise known as Sacred Songs and Solos. It is a collection of spiritual worship hymns and songs for churches. Students use it in their assembly in many Christian schools.

SS&S songs are up to 1,000 hymns and counting. For the sake of convenience, we are splitting them into hundreds. SS&S 154  Arise, my soul, arise

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