SS&S 153 Hallelujah ! hallelujah !

SS&S 153 Hallelujah ! hallelujah !

SS&S 153   Hallelujah ! hallelujah !

1. Hallelujah ! hallelujah !

Hearts to heaven and voices raise ; . ..

Sing to God a hymn of gladness,

Sing to God a hymn of praise ; . ..

He who on the cross a victim

For the world's salvation bled,

Jesus Christ, the King of glory,

Now is risen from the dead.

2 Christ is risen, Christ the first-fruits

Of the holy harvest-field ; . . .

Which will all its full abundance

At His glorious advent yield; . . .

Then the golden ears of harvest

Will their heads before Him wave,

Ripened by His glorious sunshine

From the furrows of the grave.

3. Hallelujah ! hallelujah !

Glory be to God on high ! . . .

Hallelujah to the Saviour,

Who has gained the victory; . . .

Hallelujah to the Spirit;

Let our high ascriptions be,

Hallelujah, now and ever,

To the blessed Trinity !

SS&S 153   Hallelujah ! hallelujah !



(SS&S) Sacred Songs and Solos Hymns

(SS&S) Sacred Songs and Solos Hymns. This is SS&S, otherwise known as Sacred Songs and Solos. It is a collection of spiritual worship hymns and songs for churches. Students use it in their assembly in many Christian schools.

SS&S songs are up to 1,000 hymns and counting. For the sake of convenience, we are splitting them into hundreds. SS&S 153   Hallelujah ! hallelujah !

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