SS&S 102 Man of Sorrows, What a name

SS&S 102 Man of Sorrows, What a name

SS&S 102 Man of Sorrows, What a name

1. Man of Sorrows," what a name

For the Son of God, who came

Ruined sinners to reclaim!

Hallelujah! what a Saviour!

2 Bearing shame and scoffing rude

In my place condemned He stood:

Sealed my pardon with His blood

Hallelujah ! what a Saviour!

3 Guilty, vile, and helpless, we;

Spotless Lamb of God was He:

" Full atonement ! "—can it be ?

Hallelujah ! what a Saviour!

4 '' Lifted up " was He to die,

It is finished! "was His cry

Now in heaven exalted high:

Hallelujah I what a Saviour!

5 When He comes, our glorious King,

Ail His ransomed home to bring

Then anew this song we'll sing'

Hallelujah! what a Saviour!

SS&S 102 Man of Sorrows, What a name


(SS&S) Sacred Songs and Solos Hymns

(SS&S) Sacred Songs and Solos Hymns. This is SS&S, otherwise known as Sacred Songs and Solos. It is a collection of spiritual worship hymns and songs for churches. Students use it in their assembly in many Christian schools.

SS&S songs are up to 1,000 hymns and counting. For the sake of convenience, we are splitting them into hundreds. SS&S 102 Man of Sorrows, What a name

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