SS&S 13: Though troubles assail,

SS&S 13: Though troubles assail,

SS&S 13: Though troubles assail,

1. Though troubles assail,
And dangers affright;
Though friends should all fail,
And foes all unite
Yet one thing secures us,
Whatever betide :
The Scripture assures us,
The Lord will provide.

2. The birds, without barn
Or storehouse, are fed ;
From them let us learn
To trust for our bread :
His saints what is fitting
Shall ne'er be denied,
So long as 'tis written,
The Lord will provide.

3 His call we obey.
Like Abram of old,
Not knowing our way ;
But faith makes us bold :
For though we are strangers,
We have a good Guide ;
And trust in ail dangers:
The Lord will provide.

4. No strength of our own,
Or goodness we claim ;
Yet since we have known
The Saviour's great name,
In this our strong tower
For safety we hide,
AlmightyHis power:
The Lord will provide.'


SS&S 13: Though troubles assail,



(SS&S) Sacred Songs and Solos Hymns

(SS&S) Sacred Songs and Solos Hymns. This is SS&S, otherwise known as Sacred Songs and Solos. It is a collection of spiritual worship hymns and songs for churches. Students use it in their assembly in many Christian schools.

SS&S songs are up to 1,000 hymns and counting. For the sake of convenience, we are splitting them into hundreds. SS&S 13: Though troubles assail,


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