The Daily Fountain Devotional Wednesday, January 26, 2022
(Timothy and Titus, Companions of Paul)
TEXT: Titus 1:1-5
Today, Apostle Paul reminds us of one of the attributes of God in verse 2 of our text, wherein, he says "... in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began..." In Hebrew 6:18, we are reminded that "... it is impossible for God to lie..." In our text Apostle, Paul also reminded us of the promise of God on eternal life. The link is absolutely important. God made a promise to give eternal life to all that believe in Him and receive His son Jesus Christ (John 3:16). Our acceptance or belief in His word is built on the faithfulness of God who cannot lie. His word is yes and amen.
It is equally on this note that God desires us to cultivate this character so that we will live as His children. He says "But let your yes" be simply "yes” and your "no ", be simply "no ", lest you fall into judgment (James 5:12). In the same vein, our Lord Jesus Christ admonished us in Matthew 5:37, "But let your "yes" be "yes" and your "no", no,' for whatever is more than these is from the evil one." God demands that in all our relationships with Him and with each other we must show honesty, integrity, and firmness in upholding the truth.
Prayer: Lord, grant us the grace to attain your character of honesty in our relationship with you and our fellow men that our lives will bring glory to your holy name. Amen.
Daily Fountain Thursday, January 27, 2022
TEXT: Hosea 5:1 -7
God sees all things; He knows us inside out. He is a just God who gives warnings before He judges any people or nation. He warned the priests, kings, and people of Israel who deliberately lured their neighbors, Mizpah and Tabor into idolatry (v. 1). He is not a respecter of any person. Your life should have a positive impact on the people around you. God pronounced judgment on Israel and we are reminded that He has appointed a day He will judge sinners. We are therefore warned to escape His impending wrath by repenting and turning away from sin (v.4).
God is interested in the future generation of all nations. The priests, kings, and people of Israel did not just turn away their neighbors from God but raised their children in idolatry. Do you think it is possible for such children to grow up and follow the way of the Lord? God wants us to train our children to love and worship Him (Gen. 18:19). Can God depend on us to raise godly seeds for Him? Like Israel, many people have forsaken the Lord and are running after money, fame, degrees, status, and pleasure; many have made these things their gods. Instead of Israel returning to God in true repentance, they decided to offer Him their flocks and herds (v.6).
Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to be conscious of the fact that nothing about my life is hidden from you.
Daily Fountain Friday, January 28, 2022
TEXT: Hosea 5:8- 6:1- 6
Sinners provoke God and make Him pronounce judgment on them and (he judgment after them. Just as the different tribes in Israel provoked God and awaited His wrath, many countries of the world today, are accumulating God's wrath by sponsoring and promoting evil. Today, many people sponsor and promote armed robbery, kidnapping, ritual killing, immorality, child trafficking, cultism, and abortion. People provoke God, day after day and He is not happy, because of the sins which have become the order of the day.
However, God in His mercy pleads that we return to Him. He makes it clear that we will only embrace His mercy when we return to Him with all our hearts. God desires mercy and not burnt offerings. When we sincerely return to God through genuine repentance, His mercy will triumph over judgment. God desires all men to be saved. He is not willing that any should perish. Repent today from all your sins and receive His pardon. He is a merciful and loving Father.
Prayer: God of mercy, forgive us our sins. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness and give us a new spirit and a new heart through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Daily Fountain Devotional Saturday, January 29, 2022
TEXT: Hosea 6:7-11; 7:1-2
The spate of wickedness and corruption found among both priests and people (6:8-10) was described by the Lord as horrible. How often has the Lord seen horrible practices in our families, businesses, gatherings, and ceremonies? How often have we infringed the covenant of the blood of His Son with utter disregard and disdain? The Lord, being righteous and just, moved against His own people. Yes, their own doings beset them about (7:2). However, it is important to note that the Lord also bears the attitude of restoration and healing (6:11), for as many as would turn from their evil ways.
He is merciful and abounds in steadfast love if the wicked would forsake his ways and the unrighteous his thoughts (Isa. 55:7). The new covenant of the blood of Jesus is one we should treat with utmost honour and respect; else we move God against us (Heb. 10:29-30). Obedience to the words of the covenant brings blessings, while the opposite brings curses. The choice is always ours.
Prayer: Dear Father, please grant me true humility and obedience in all my endeavours with you. Amen.
Daily Fountain Sunday, January 30, 2022
(Fourth Sunday after Epiphany)TOPIC: CHRIST HEALS A LEPER
TEXT: Mark 1:40-45
In the Old Testament times, being a leper meant that like many today, one lived in quarantine. Then, as now, anyone suffering from any form of contagious, terminal diseases met with discrimination. In those days, that meant physical as well as social distancing. "If you will," the leper pleaded. "You can make me clean" - an act of pure submission and humility, or was it? By imposing his desire on Jesus, the man put Jesus at risk of a different type of contagiousness - of other people's selfishness!
It was not really about Jesus' will; rather it was about the man's desire versus God's plans for Jesus' ministry. For, after receiving the healing, the man ignored Jesus' stern command to keep what had happened a secret. The man's actions cost Jesus. Their roles were somewhat reversed. The man was welcomed in society and could mix and mingle with everyone; while Jesus had to avoid the crowds. Even then, people found Jesus wherever He was.
When we try to impose our will above God's purposes, the consequence is often detrimental. It may not seem obvious to us, as the cost may not be ours. During this COVID-19 pandemic, we find that our choices and acts of disobedience - partying by some as well as unmasking during worship - are often against the law of the land and God's plan. This has cost many their lives and livelihood. Instead of our own desires, we must always choose to obey God's plan.
Prayer: O God, grant me the grace to always choose to obey you.
Daily Fountain Monday, January 31, 2022
TEXT: Hosea 8
Here, we see the house of Israel under the besiegement of Assyria. This precarious state should elicit an alarm (v.l). The reason for this ugly situation is found in verse 1. Israel had broken God's covenant. They only acknowledged God with their lips (v.2) but rejected Him in their deeds (v.3). This is a demonstration of the hardness of the heart.
How often have we rejected God in our deeds and attitude? Has God's approval for life's major and minor decisions become of little or no consequence? Have worldly festivities found their way into our gatherings with religious connotations? If these have become the cases, then we should go back to God for renewal (Ezek. 36:26-27). The effect of Israel's severance from God is seen in verses 7 to 14. God judges His people and we have to bear in mind that He is fair and just. With a fearful prospect of His judgment, let us live in awe of Him lest we be judged with the rest of the world.
Prayer: Almighty God, grant me the grace to serve and worship you in truth and spirit through Christ our Lord. Amen.