Hymn A & M 427- O LOVING Father, to thy care
1. O LOVING Father, to thy care
We give again this child of thine,
Baptized and blessed With faithful
And sealed with Loves victorious
2. As Christ, thy Son, did not refuse
The homage of the children's cry,
So teach him childhoods gifts to Use
Thy name to praise and magnify.
3. Through youth and age, through
shine and shade,
Grant him to run his earthly race,
Forgetting not that man was made
To show thy glory and thy grace:
4. A loving child, a faithful friend,
A light in doubt and darkness given
To point the path that knows no end
Save in the fuller light of heaven:
5. Till, at the last, before thy throne
He lays his earthly armour down,
His task of loving service done,
And, in thy mercy, takes his crown.
Hymn A & M 427- O LOVING Father, to thy care
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