Hymn A & M 203- O Love, who formedst me to wear

Hymn A & M 203- O Love, who formedst me to wear

Hymn A & M 203- O Love, who formedst me to wear

Hymn A & M 203- O Love, who formedst me to wear
Hymn A & M 203- O Love, who formedst me to wear
Hymn A & M 203- O Love, who formedst me to wear

 1. O Love, who formedst me to wear

the image of thy Godhead here;

who soughtest me with tender care

through all my wanderings wild and drear:

O Love, I give myself to thee,

thine ever, only thine to be.

2. O Love, who ere life's earliest dawn

on me thy choice hast gently laid;

O Love, who here as man wast born,

and wholly like to us wast made: 

O Love, etc.

3. O Love, who once in time wast slain,

pierced through and through with bitter woe!

O Love, who wrestling thus didst gain

that we eternal joy might know: 

O Love, etc.

4. O Love, who once shalt bid me rise

from out this dying life of ours;

O Love, whose hand o'er yonder skies

shall set me in the fadeless bowers: 

O Love, etc.

Hymn A & M 203- O Love, who formedst me to wear

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