Health Benefits of Nyanya Leaves, Roots and Fruits
The bitter gourd, also known as Nyanya in local Akan or Momodica Charantia in botanical terms, is a highly effective herb to take into consideration when it comes to fertility. Nyanya, also known as the bitter gourd, has strong anti-oxidant benefits due to its phenols, flavonoids, isoflavones, terpenes, anthraquinone, and glucosamine content, all of which contribute to the bitter flavor. Health Benefits of Nyanya Leaves, Roots and Fruits.
Consuming the juice made from the leaves, fruit, and roots aids in liver cleansing and the removal of all toxins from the body. Additionally, it helps remove any blood clots from the uterus. It boosts general immunity and improves blood flow to vital organs including the uterus.
Additionally, this herb lessens tumors and attacks malignant cells. According to studies, the non-cancerous tumors in 60% of women who used bitter gourd dramatically shrank. See also: Odogwu Bitters: Health Benefits, Side effects and the Real Owner.
Two potent antioxidants that help prevent cell damage are found in bitter melon, specifically catechin gallic acid and chlorogenic acid. Your ovaries can create healthy egg cells with the help of these substances. The pituitary gland functions effectively to regulate hormones and assist in getting pregnant since it contains all the essential elements.
Health Benefits of Nyanya Leaves, Roots and Fruits - bitter gourd or Momodica Charantia
Niacin and pantothenic acid, two members of the B complex vitamins, are abundant in bitter gourd. Additionally, it has a lot of iron and folate. When trying to cure infertility, these two minerals are crucial. Vitamins A and C, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are all present in Nyanya. This plant has twice as much calcium as spinach, potassium as a banana, and beta-carotene as broccoli.

Health Benefits of Nyanya Leaves, Roots and Fruits - bitter gourd or Momodica Charantia
Bitter pumpkin or bitter gourd (nyanya leave), like its related M. charantia, includes a number of bioactive chemicals, such as sitosteryl glucoside, 5, 25-stigmastadien-3-yl glucoside, and 1-hydroxyfriedel-6-en-3-one, as well as many cucurbitane-type triterpenoid derivatives.
Nyanya Leaf bitter gourd or Pumpkin Uses
Here are the uses or the health benefits of using Nyanya leaf or nyanya leaves Bitter gourd or Bitter pumpkin:
Digestive problems
Young leaves are used to treat stomachaches in Tanganika, while the root is used as a purgative. The Edo people of Nigeria consume leaf sap to treat digestive problems. The Igbo call it iba ozi. The leaves are used as an emetic and for enemas in Gabon. The leaf is also used to treat roundworms.
2. Pain alleviation
The sap from the leaves is used to alleviate severe headaches and earaches. Headache is treated in Malawi by tying the head to the plant stalk. Health Benefits of Nyanya Leaves, Roots and Fruits - bitter gourd or Momodica Charantia
3. Reproduction
A preparation of the leaves is used as an aphrodisiac in the Ivory Coast, and women use it as an emmenagogue and delivery aid. Tea made from the leaves or roots is used as an abortifacient and an ecbolic in Uganda. Read also: How to use to Use Okra and Olive oil for Bigger Butt ~ But Enlargement.
4. Skin problems or Skin Disease
A leaf decoction is used to treat smallpox in the Ivory Coast. Tanganyika uses the root to bathe small children and mothers' breasts. For boils, a root infusion with various plants is used in South Africa.
5. Snake venom or Snake Bite
The inflammation induced by the venom of the spitting cobra (Naja nigrocollis) can be avoided by massaging the skin with broken leaves and chewing them as soon as possible. The sap from the leaves is consumed to treat snakebites.
6. Spiritual Benefits:
We shall discuss this in detail at the end of this post. Continue reading or refer to the heading.
7. Other uses of Nyanya Leaves
- Nyanya leaf is used to stop bleeding. The sap from the leaf is used to reduce nose bleeding.
- The young leaves are used to treat dropsy and malaria in Tanganyika.
- A longitudinal slice of immature fruit, the fruit is used as bait to catch birds in Malawi.
Leaves are soaked, sun-dried, and used to stuff couches in Gabon. The fruit pulp is harmful to weevils, moths, and ants and is used as an insect repellant in Tanganyika. The presence of the plant is said to indicate that the soil is suitable for planting cocoa trees.
Health Benefits of Nyanya Leaves, Roots and Fruits - bitter gourd or Momodica Charantia
Momordica foetida's closest relatives can be found in a molecular tree that includes all Momordica species. Bitter herbs are one of the greatest herbal treatments for infertility because of their strength. Health Benefits of Nyanya Leaves, Roots and Fruits - bitter gourd or Momodica Charantia.
In addition to other factors, diet and drug usage affect fertility. Cleaning up and acting as naturally as you can in those two areas is the first step if you and your partner want to conceive a family.
Nyanya Leaves for Fertility
How Can Nyanya leaf Herbs or bitter gourd (Pumpkin) Improve Fertility? That brings us the thrust of the matter. Nyanya Leaves health benefits.
For some individuals, getting pregnant may come naturally, but for others, as the months go by with no luck, expensive therapy, and emotional ups and downs, it may seem like a difficult objective to achieve.
Herbs and massages were utilized by our ancestors to cure infertility. Even now, people still follow this custom. Although several herbs are useful for treating infertility. We have mentioned few in the link we shared above (7 Natural Ways to Cleanse Your Womb and Make Your Ovulation Normal). Our focus here is how to use the bitter pumpkin (NYANYA) or bitter gourd to aid fertility.
Bitter gourd is a very potent herb to take into consideration when it comes to fertility. It is also known as Nyanya in Akan and Momodica Charantia in botanical terms. The fruit is a prolate spheroid that is brilliant orange, 3.5–7.5 cm long, and 2.5–5 cm broad. It has soft spines all around it. It separates from the bottom when it is completely ripe.
What Part of Nyanya Plant Do I Consume to become pregnant?
- Nyanya Leaf
- Nyanya Fruits
- Nyanya roots
All parts of Bitter gourd are highly medicinal are recommended when using for fertility treatment. Nyanya, also known as the bitter gourd, has powerful antioxidant properties that contribute to its bitter flavor. These components include phenols, flavonoids, isoflavones, terpenes, anthraquinones, and glucosamine. The juice from the leaves, fruit, and roots can be consumed to help cleanse the liver and remove toxins from the body.
Also, it aids in washing away any uterine blood clots. It increases overall immunity and improves blood flow to critical organs including the uterus. This herb also destroys cancerous cells and aids in the shrinkage of tumors. Studies show that using bitter gourd significantly reduced non-cancerous tumors in 60% of women.
Nyanya leaf tea's health benefits
Catechin gallic acid and chlorogenic acid, two powerful antioxidants that guard against cell damage, are found in bitter melon. This chemical aids in the production of healthy egg cells by your ovaries.
Pituitary gland functions effectively to regulate hormones and facilitate conception thanks to all of the nutrients offered by this miraculous plant. Niacin and pantothenic acid are two of the B complex vitamins that are abundant in bitter gourd. Additionally, it contains a lot of iron and folate.
Treatment of infertility requires the use of these two minerals. Vitamins A and C, as well as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, are abundant in Nyanya. This herb has double the potassium of a banana, twice the calcium of spinach, and twice the beta-carotene of broccoli.
One of the most effective herbal treatments for infertility is bitter herbs because of their immense power. Read also: How to make Banana-Rice Pudding - See Recipe
How to Use Nyanya Plant for conception
- Use a salt solution with plenty water to wash the herb's fresh leaves, fruit, and roots before using.
- Scrub the fresh leaves as if you are crushing bitter leaves. Or, use blender and pour plenty clean water to blend. Sieve or drain the chaff with cheese cloth or a clean white handkerchief.
- Pour the fresh dark green juice extract from the bitter pumpkin in a container with a lid and keep a refrigerator.
- Drink 100-150ml or a small glass of the remedy twice daily for infertility
- Drink this herb for a full 12 weeks to see effects.
Please store the remaining food in the fridge for no longer than 36 hours. Pour it out and start over if there is any leftover. Good luck.
Health Benefits of Nyanya Leaves, Roots and Fruits - bitter gourd or Momodica Charantia
Spiritual Benefits of Nyanya leaves
Nyanya leaves locally, offers a number of undiscovered spiritual and physical advantages. There are many plants all around us that offer great spiritual advantages, but because we don't know about them, we weed them out or use weed killers to kill them.
There are several methods to use nyanya leaves for spiritual activities, including: bathing in leafy water, drinking the boiled leaves' water. Advantes are:
- To purify the spirit
- Nyanya is employed to ward off bad spirits.
- During durbars, chiefs utilize the power of this leaf.
Using nyanya leaves might bring ill luck to your enemy or someone who offend you. This is major reasons lovers use it to hunt their friends who betrayed them or dumped them.
It is utilized to determine the reason of mysterious deaths and to safeguard a newborn's future. Health Benefits of Nyanya Leaves, Roots and Fruits - bitter gourd or Momodica Charantia.
Nyanya roots are also used to treat chronic gonorrhea
To start, use rock salt to thoroughly wash the roots of coffee Senna and the leaves of Nyanya.
After that, let the water boil for around one hour and thirty minutes.
Drink a cup of the mixture's water three times each day to see benefits after three days.
Does Nyanya Leaves Have Disadvantages?
When eaten in moderation, bitter melon may be a wholesome and nutrient-rich food to include in your diet. However, consuming a lot of bitter melon or taking supplements may have a number of negative consequences.
Particularly bitter melon has been linked to nausea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort. Before using this product, pregnant women, people with underlying health issues, and anyone using blood sugar-lowering medications should see a doctor.