Showing posts from July, 2022

SS&S 232 Wake thou my harp, o mighty love

SS&S 232 Wake thou my harp, o mighty love 1. Wake Thou my harp, O Mighty Love, That fiirst the boundless realm above ! Sweep Thou my strings, for I would sing Redeeming grace through Christ my King.   Redeeming grace, redeemi…

SS&S 231 Hark, hark! My soul! Angelic songs are swelling

SS&S 231 Hark, hark! My soul! Angelic songs are swelling 1. Hark, hark ! my soul ! angelic songs are swelling O'er earth's green fields and ocean s wave-beat shore ; How sweet the truth those blessed strains a…

SS&S 220 Praise the lord and worship him

SS&S 220 Praise the lord and worship him 1.     Praise the Lord and worship Him, a song prepare, While we enter joyfully the house of prayer; Praise the Lord and honour Him who guards our way, Watching o’er us tenderly by ni…

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