Showing posts from June, 2022
SS&S 62: He is seeking for the lost 1. He is seeking for the lost, For the lone and tempest-tost, Hear the tender Shepherd calling day by day; . . . Over the mountain, hill, and plain, He is seeking for the wanderers far awa…
SS&S 61: Master, the tempest is raging 1. Master, the tempest is raging! The billows are tossing high I The sky is o'er-shadowed with blackness No shelter or help is nigh:, Carest Thou not that we perish? How canst Thou …
SS&S 63: Jesus, Thy boundless love to me 1. Jesus, Thy boundless love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare; Oh, knit my thankful heart to Thee, And reign without a rival there! Thine wholly, Thine alone I am; Lord, …
SS&S 60: Jesus, the very thought of Thee Jesus, the very thought of Thee With sweetness fills my breast; But sweeter far Thy face to see, And in Thy presence rest. 2 Nor voice can sing, nor heart can frame, Nor can the memory…
SS&S 59: In tenderness He sought me In tenderness He sought me, Weary and sick with sin, And on His shoulders brought me Back to His fold again ; While angels in His presence sang Until the courts of heaven rang. Oh, the lov…
SS&S 58: Can it be that Jesus bought me Can it be that Jesus bought me, And on the shameful cross atoned for me, Loved me, chose me ere I knew Him? Oh, what a precious, precious Friend is He! Oh, it is wonderful, very, very …
SS&S 57: Safe in the arms of Jesus Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast, Thereby His love o'ershaded, Sweetly my soul shall rest. Hark ! 'tis the voice of angels Borne in a song to me, Over the fields …
SS&S 56: Like some sweet bird that upward flies, Like some sweet bird that upward flies, My soul to heavenly heights would rise And while I mount to worlds above, Would sing of Christ's redeeming love. Redeeming love, . .…
SS&S 55: She only touched the hem of His She only touched the hem of His garment As to His side she stole, Amid the crowd that gathered around Him; And straightway she was whole. Oh, touch the hem of His garment! And thou, to…
SS&S 54: Come, sing the sweet song of the ages Come, sing the sweet song of the ages — The song of Immanuel sing! There comes through the portals eternal An anthem of praise to the King! Then loud let our carols of gladness…
SS&S 53: Oh where is He that trod the sea Oh where is He that trod the sea? Oh where is He that spake, And demons from their victims flee, The dead their slumber break? The palsied rise in freedom strong, The dumb men talk a…
SS&S 64: Tenderly the Shepherd 1. Tenderly the shepherd, O’er the mountains cold, Goes to bring his lost one Back to His fold. Seeking to save, seeking to save; Lost one, ‘ tis Jesus seeking to save. Seeking to save, seeking…
SS&S 65: One there is above all others 1. One there is above all others, Oh, how He loves! His is love beyond a brother’s, Oh, how He loves! Earthly friends may fail and leave us, One day soothe, the next day grieve us; But …
SS&S 66: Who is He in yonder stall 1. Who is He in yonder stall, At whose feet the shepherds fall? ‘Tis the Lord! O wondrous story! ‘Tis the Lord, the King of Glory! At His feet we humbly fall- Crown Him! Crown Him Lord of al…
SS&S 52: Come near me, O my Saviour Come near me, O my Saviour! Thy tenderness reveal ; Oh, let me know the sympathy Which Thou for me dost feel! need Thee every moment ; Thine absence brings dismay ; But when the tempter hur…
SS&S 67: Hail to the Lord's Anointed 1. Hail to the lord’s Anointed, Great David’s greater son; Hail in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free; To take away tra…