Anglican Bible study - STUDY 28, JULY 10, 2022
Anglican Bible study - STUDY 28, JULY 10, 2022, 4TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY JULY 10 2022
SUB-THEME: Characteristics of ungodly rulers 5
TOPIC: Dishonesty
TEXTS: Isa 1:21-31
i. to study the biblical concept of dishonesty,
to analyze factors that promote dishonesty in contemporary society and
ii. to expose the tragic effects of nepotism from a biblical perspective.
INTRODUCTION: Dishonesty is doing something that lacks integrity and with an aim to cheat, lie or deceive someone or a group. Dishonesty is the product of a corrupt mind, disabled conscience and selfish interests. What are the factors that promote dishonesty and the effects of dishonest leadership in our Nation, community, church and in our individual homes?
1. Point out the major causes of dishonesty in today's study text. Ref: Isa 59:3-8; Ezek 22:25-29;
2. How will you describe dishonesty in contemporary society in the context of the following Bible passages? Gen 37:31-35; 39:5; 2Sam 11:1-4; Acts 5:1-2.
3. What impact does dishonest leadership have on a nation? Isa 1:21-23 and the judgment of God on dishonest ruler? Job 27:13-23; 2Pet 2:9.
4. As Christians, how do we handle the problems of dishonest rulership in Nigeria today? Psalm 50:15; 122:6; Matt 5:16; 1Pet 4:14.
When a ruler’s conscience is disabled, it gives way to many adverse consequences, citizens groan under the terrible yoke, but God is never asleep is able and will deliver His righteous people and judge the wicked.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Can a dishonest ruler (no matter how powerful) deceive death when the time comes?
MEMORY VERSE: 2Pet 2:9 “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished”