Hymn A & M 608- WELCOME, morning of joy, glad

Hymn A & M 608- WELCOME, morning of joy, glad

 Hymn A & M 608- WELCOME, morning of joy, glad

Hymn A & M 608- WELCOME, morning of joy, glad
Hymn A & M 608- WELCOME, morning of joy, glad
Hymn A & M 608- WELCOME, morning of joy, glad

1. WELCOME, morning of joy, glad

feast that all ages shall hallow.

Day wherein, vanquishing hell, God

To high heaven ascends.


2. Calm is the breath of the spring

that wakens the glory of blossom,

Brighter the sunlight that streams

forth from the gates of the sky.

Welcome, etc.

3. Christ hath trod under his feet the

kingdom of torment and sadness;

Decked is the woodland with leaves,

earth was her flowers at his feet.

Welcome. etc.

4. Trampling the powers of hell he

mounts on his journey to heaven:

Heaven's light halls him as God:

field, sky and sea tell his praise.

Welcome, etc.

5. Strike off the fetters that bind the

spirits that hell hath imprisoned,

Call back and lift to the light souls

rushing down to the pit.

Welcome, etc.

6. Out of the prson of death thou art

rescuing souls without number:

Freely they press to the goal whither

their Maker leads on.

Welcome, etc.

7. Now may’st thou nurse in thine

arms a people that knows no


Bear them aloft to be given for a,

pure hostage to God.

Welcome, etc.

8. Two are the crowns that for thee

thc Father hath laid up in heaven:

One shalt thou wear for thine own,

one for a people redeemed.

Welcome, etc

9. Jesu, thou Saviour of all, Creator

of men and Redeemer,

Only-begotten of God, sprung from

the Deity's fount:

Welcome. etc.

10. Equal, co-eval art thou, and in

fellowship one with the Father:

Thine was the word of command

when all creation began.

Welcome, etc.

11. Thou too, beholding in love the

depth of humanity's ruin,

Man to deliver from death, Man

didst vouchsafe to become.

Welcome, etc.

Hymn A & M 608- WELCOME, morning of joy, glad

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