Hymn A & M 444- Loving Shepherd of thy sheep
1. Loving Shepherd of thy sheep,
keep thy lamb, in safety keep;
nothing can thy power withstand,
none can pluck us from thy hand.
2. Loving Savior, thou didst give
thine own life that we might live,
and the hands outstretched to bless
bear the cruel nails impress.
3. I would praise thee every day,
gladly all thy will obey,
like thy blessed ones above
happy in thy precious love.
4. Loving Shepherd, ever near,
teach thy lamb thy voice to hear,
suffer not my steps to stray
from the straight and narrow way.
5. Where thou leadest I would go,
walking in thy steps below,
till before my Father's throne
I shall know as I am known.
Hymn A & M 444- Loving Shepherd of thy sheep
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