Hymn A & M 284- Ten thousand times ten thousa

Hymn A & M 284- Ten thousand times ten thousa

 Hymn A & M 284- Ten thousand times ten thousand 

Hymn A & M 284- Ten thousand times ten thousand
Hymn A & M 284- Ten thousand times ten thousand
Hymn A & M 284- Ten thousand times ten thousand

1. Ten thousand times ten thousand 

in sparkling raiment bright,

the armies of the ransomed saints 

throng up the steeps of light;

'tis finished, all is finished, 

their fight with death and sin;

fling open wide the golden gates, 

and let the victors in.

2. What rush of alleluias 

fills all the earth and sky!

what ringing of a thousand harps 

bespeaks the triumph nigh!

O day, for which creation 

and all its tribes were made;

O joy, for all its former woes 

a thousand fold repaid!

3. O then what raptured greetings 

on Canaan's happy shore;

what knitting severed friendships up

where partings are no more!

Then eyes with joy shall sparkle, 

that brimmed with tears of late;

orphans no longer fatherless, 

nor widows desolate.

4. Bring near thy great salvation, 

thou Lamb for sinners slain;

fill up the roll of thine elect, 

then take thy power, and reign;

appear, Desire of nations, 

thine exiles long for home;

show in the heaven thy promised sign; 

thou Prince and Savior, come.

Hymn A & M 284- Ten thousand times ten thousand

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