Hymn A & M 233- Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

Hymn A & M 233- Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

 Hymn A & M 233- Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

Hymn A & M 233- Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Hymn A & M 233- Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Hymn A & M 233- Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

1. Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost,

taught by thee we covet most,

of thy gifts at Pentecost,

holy heavenly, love.

2. Love is kind and suffers long,

love is meek and thinks no wrong,

love than death itself more strong;

therefore, give us love.

3. Prophecy will fade away,

melting in the light of day;

love will ever with us stay;

therefore, give us love.

4. Faith will vanish into sight;

hope be emptied in delight;

love in heaven will shine more bright;

therefore give us love.

5. Faith and hope and love we see,

joining hand in hand agree,

but the greatest of the three,

and the best, is love.

6. From the overshadowing

of thy gold and silver wing

shed on us, who to thee sing,

holy, heavenly love.

Hymn A & M 233- Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

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