Hymn A & M 123- And now, beloved Lord, thy soul resigning

Hymn A & M 123- And now, beloved Lord, thy soul resigning

 Hymn A & M 123- And now, beloved Lord, thy soul resigning

 Hymn A & M 123- And now, beloved Lord, thy soul resigning
Hymn A & M 123- And now, beloved Lord, thy soul resigning
 Hymn A & M 123- And now, beloved Lord, thy soul resigning

1. And now, beloved Lord, thy soul resigning

into thy Father's arms with conscious will,

calmly, with reverend grace, thy head inclining,

the throbbing brow and laboring breast grow still.

2. Freely thy life thou yieldest, meekly bending

e'en to the last beneath our sorrows' load,

yet, strong in death, in perfect peace commending

thy spirit to thy Father and thy God.

3. Sweet Savior, in mine hour of mortal anguish,

when earth grows dim, and round me falls the night,

O breathe thy peace, as flesh and spirit languish;

at that dread eventide let there be light.

4. To thy dear Cross turn thou mine eyes in dying;

lay but my fainting head upon thy breast;

those outstretched arms receive my latest sighing

and then, O then, thine everlasting rest.

 Hymn A & M 123- And now, beloved Lord, thy soul resigning

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