Follow me, I will make you Sermon
Follow me, I will make you Mark 2: 13 - 15 Sermon |
Have you taken your time to analyse what the disciples of Jesus were like before they were called to follow their master? Personally, if I were to be Jesus, I would not call them. They were men women already condemned before the world. Follow me, I will make you Mark 2: 13 - 15 Sermon.
"Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him, and he began to teach them. 14 As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.
15 While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him."
Jesus does not look at our imperfections. He came for them to make us perfect. He does not look at our faults when He desires to walk with us. "He who He calls, he equips".
Within Jesus, He has everything to make a man. Our making begins the day Jesus calls us and we answer. He is self-sufficient.
Jesus is the Way; he knows the way and leads the way. That is why He is calling us to follow Him. God has good plans for mankind but the question; are we going to follow him to where He leads us.
Follow me, I will make you Mark 2: 13 - 15 Sermon
It is not normal to expect God to make us when we have not followed Him with all our beings. See in this verse that follow precedes before making. For us to be made, you must answer the master's call and follow.
Another thing I want to say here is that making does not just occur. It is a process. Personality like Apostle Paul was called as Saul and he went through processes and became a fire brand. Anyone who passes through this divine process comes out like gold.
God has good plans for His children. In Jeremiah 29: 11
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Pay attention to this! Following Jesus requires you to come out of something or somewhere. Take a look at the lives of the disciples he called. We must drop something to take up the cross. Coming to answer Jesus, you mustn't remain a thief.
A liar who answers the call of Jesus must decide to come out from lying. That is actually the first step. Remember when Jesus was in the house of Levi, the tax collector, eating, he made up his mind to come out from his dubious lifestyle. Another disciple was ready to pay restitution.
As a child of Jesus, we should not remain like a Judas after we are called and expect to be made. It is not possible. If we do not come out from our old ways and lifestyle, the enemy will continue to use us eve when we claim to work for Christ.
Follow me, I will make you Mark 2: 13 - 15 Sermon
When Jesus calls us and we answer, He will use us. When we change from our old ways and accept Him as the personal Lord and Saviour, He will make us. What is He making us to become?
He is making us a vessel unto honor. When we answer and follow Him, he will teach us and bid us to do His will for us
(Matt 4: 19)19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”